Cantina Sociale di Monteforte d’Alpone was funded in March 1952 by a group of winemakers who decided to cooperate for the conservation of a specific area.
We count 600 associated wineries and we are located in the East Veronese, bordering the province of Vicenza.
We sink our roots in the main historical names of the province of Verona, such as Soave and Valpolicella..
We represent the territory where we were born: soils of volcanic origin, dark with reddish and silvery reflections, simple and harsh, which smell of sun-dried earth and traditions.
1952, September 28th: opening of the Cantina di Monteforte d’Alpone with 1.300.000 kilos of grapes for the first conferment.
1959: first bottling of the Clivus label.
1976: technological development aimed at vinification with the closure of the bottling plant.
1980: internal vitrification of the tanks for restructuring.
1990-2000: launch of the Castellaro and Foscarino projects for the quality of viticulture.
1995: new wine label Cantina di Monteforte.
2010: application of pheromone-based mating disruption on vineyards.
2018: new bottling plant.